Takayama CafeOur Privacy Policy

Compliance with laws and regulations regarding personal information protection

"Hida Takayama Meat Co., Ltd." (hereinafter referred to as "our company") complies with the Personal Information Protection Act In addition, Our company establishes and implements a personal information protection policy and other internal regulations. and email addresses (hereinafter referred to as "personal information").

Proper acquisition and notification of purpose of use upon acquisition

When our company acquire personal information, our companny will clearly state the purpose of use and obtain consent

Identification of purpose of use, restrictions by purpose of use

Our company uses personal information for the following purposes. In addition, any other use will be done with the prior consent of the customer.

  • Use of necessary information for carrying out company business operations
  • Responding to inquiries from customers
  • Announcement of information etc. from our company to customers

Disclosure, correction, and suspension of use of personal information

Please kindly contact us for inquiries, corrections, suspension of use, and deletion regarding the safety management

Contact point regarding the handling of personal information

Contact point Hida Takayama meat Co., Ltd.
509-1 Bokata, Nyukawa-cho, Takayama-city, Gifu, 506-2121

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